OwlPal - The Homeschool Management Center
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Mission Statement

OwlPal’s mission is to provide families encouragement, support, resources, and the tools they need to navigate their homeschool journey successfully.

OwlPal Kids Love Learning!

The Parent App

OwlPal is a unique educational platform, specifically designed for homeschool
families in the United States. The platform is comprised of two apps, one for parents and the other for students. Parents can manage their children's education easily and effectively from their phone, tablet, or computer. Virtually every aspect of a child's education, from PreK-Graduation, is customizable. Network with other homeschool parents, join field trips, keep accurate records, generate progress reports and report cards, find tutorials, and so much more. The student app, still in pre-development stages, is planned to have over 20 incredible features for children in PreK-12th grade.

OwlPal Kids

The Student App

The Student App is highly customizable allowing parents to select which features they would like to have their child use. Given permission, students can print worksheets, view their own progress reports, unlock helpful tools, and interact with other homeschool students (Student interactives are planned events with permission and supervision). In all, the student app has 38 features planned for inclusion during 2024/2025 school year! *Please note: Not all features will be available to all students.

OwlPal Kids Love Learning

Business Directory

Our Business Directory hosts thousands of business listings across the United States! Find the perfect extra-curricular activity for your children! You'll also have quick and easy access to locate tutors, enrichment centers, and charter schools. Registered OwlPal users are welcome to add business listings to the directory!

OwlPal Kids Love Learning

The Knowledgebase

OwlPal's Knowledgebase is an extensive database of admin and user submitted articles. Each submission is carefully reviewed and added to help OwlPal users navigate their homeschool experience. Users who submit articles can even monetize their submissions! (Some restrictions apply, details coming soon!)

OwlPal Kids Love Learning

Beta Test Opportunities

Beginning 8/1/2024 we will have beta testing opportunities for Android and iPhone users! Subscribe to our newsletter, below, for complete details!

OwlPal Kids love to Learn!

Our Newsletter

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Countdown to Beta Testing!

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